National information System for the management of water resources in agriculture


What is Sigrian

The Sigrian (National information System for the management of water resources in agriculture), realized with the technical and methodological support of CREA, at the initiative of the MASAF and the autonomous regions and provinces, collects all the information of nature Management, infrastructural and agronomic related to collective irrigation at national level.

Who are the users of Sigrian

The regions, the reclamation consortia and the bodies dealing with water management for irrigation use are the users of the Sigrian platform. The National Association of Consortia of management and protection of the Territory and irrigated waters (ANBI) is the reference body for the coordination of the phases of detection, updating and the transfer of the data to the Sigrian.
It is considered as final data of the Sigrian database, the one that will have exceeded the technical validation process by the reference region. The data will be made available to all administrations and/or bodies competent in the field of irrigated works.

What data does Sigrian collect?

The data contained in the database allow to have punctual information on the structures of the collective irrigation, such as:

  • The organization and the economic-managerial structure of the bodies responsible for irrigation;
  • The areas concerned with irrigation;
  • The use of irrigated resources (irrigated crops and irrigated volumes);
  • Irrigated schemes (sources of supply, development and characteristics of irrigated networks).

    Sigrian’s figures

Monitored Entities

Total equipped area in thousands of hectares

Total irrigated area in thousands of hectares

    Events and News

Analyses, interventions, challenges for the agrifood industry

The president of CREA, Salvatore spoken, and the advisor Michele Pisante will Interverrano tomorrow at the conference analysis, interventions and challenges for the agro-food, which takes place from the hours 10:00 at the Hotel Park of Princes, V. Le Europa, 6 Bari....